Needlebinding Wind spinners.
At the European Wool Camp in Elsloo, where i gave needlebinding workshops for a week, I saw crocheted wind spinner for the first time. The lady who gave the workshops
At the European Wool Camp in Elsloo, where i gave needlebinding workshops for a week, I saw crocheted wind spinner for the first time. The lady who gave the workshops
In the step by step chapter you saw how to make the Oslo stitch. When you making mittens or slippers you actually start exactly the same, you make a row
I made 41 needlebinding videos. 10 Dutch, 26 English and 5 German. The first 10 videos are in Dutch but the images are clear to understand. This video is about:
I made socks and slippers but never Baby socks. Today it is 3 okt. 2023 and i made my first nalbound Monkey. The pattern of my first stuffed monkey can
I needlebind socks with the Swedish Klas Brita style, it is a different kind of heel nalbinding then basic socks. These socks are easy to make and have a very
I always use 100% wool for needle binding on my websites. The wool I use during my videos is always 1 ply wool and needle/hook 9 mm. The thickness of
I designed my hood without using scissors and sewing parts together. The hood consists of one piece and I am glad that it worked. This pattern you can adjust to
Many projects that you can make with needlebinding are started with a circle : bags, a sweater or hats. Knitting socks is done with cicelcular needles, or with 3 or
Needlebind socks with the Swedish Klas Brita style you get a different kind of heel than the basic socks (no small holes). These socks are easy to needlebind and have
Which loop do you start after a break ? The last loop goes over your thumb. This is the loop that tightens when you pull on the thread.The newest thumbloop
Easy Åsle variation F1. The Åsle stitch, named for a 16 th century mitten found in Våstergötland in the southwest part of Sweden. The stitches on this page are examples
The Oslo stitch with F1. When you needlebinding, the size of the stitch is determined by the size of your thumb and not by the needle you use. If you
Needlebind round start. I start with 18 stitches with the Finnish stitch 2+2 F1. In the 1 rnd you increase all stitches and then attach a stitch marker, you know
”By step by step instructions”, you have see how needlebinding works. But now you have to make a larger row, then you have to increase, adding stitches . If you
As a reenactor on the ice age farm (september 2018) i saw a woman who was needlebinding a hat that had no holes, since i have a bold head (i
The Oslo stitch You can see the oslo stich on the photo it is 1 loop around your thumb and 1 loop behind your thumb. The oslo stitch is often
Making nålbinding needles has become a new hobby my very first needles i made were from an ice cream stick. The stick was made of beech wood, flat, not too
Just one needle It is actually a super nice invention to be able to make such a beautiful woolen fabric with just one needle. In the very old past they